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Diver's Direct in Key West, Florida held their first annual Scrub n Grub beach cleanup on Smathers Beach last Saturday, January 29, 2011. Approximately 15-20 volunteers came ready to get their hands dirty, and hauled several hundreds of pounds of garbage from the surrounding mangroves, sand, rocks, and beach grasses. Their efforts were awarded with lunch served at Diver's Direct, and prizes for the most garbage gathered, courtesy of several sponsors including a Riffe speargun, a snorkel mask, dive flags, and other tokens of appreciation.

Bond Fire Studio is proud to have been involved in the photography of this beach cleanup.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:activists, beach, beach, bond, cleanup, cleanup, direct, divers, environmental, fire, grub, key, key, mangrove, n, photography, scrub, studio, west, west

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